2024, Instal­la­tion / sculp­ture, made from a large bird-cher­ry tree branch, cre­at­ed and found objects, plas­ter, acrylic paint. Size: 5 x 4 x 3 m. Ped­vāle Art Park, Sabile, Latvia.

A Nocturnal Patient, installation

In Octo­ber 2024, I spent four weeks immers­ing myself in the world of Ped­vāle, Sabile and a lit­tle bit of Latvia. Dur­ing this time I lis­tened to fairy tales and leg­ends, pagan beliefs, tried to under­stand sym­bols, vis­it­ed 400-year-old trees (lin­den and oak). I walked through the mead­ows and streets, picked up things from the ground and brought them to the art space. And final­ly, all these things and impres­sions became this work. It is also a work about place and time, about a peri­od of time. And work­ing on it was a bit like med­i­tat­ing on the tree, the tree as a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of some­thing big­ger. In the end, I called the work „A Noc­tur­nal Patient” – who or what is being treat­ed here, I leave up to you.

Nocturnal Patient 07
A Nocturnal Patient installation
Nocturnal Patient 05
Nocturnal Patient 06
Nocturnal Patient 02
Nocturnal Patient 04